Overcoming ‘Pandemic Brain’: How to Clear Brain Fog

Overcoming ‘Pandemic Brain’: How to Clear Brain Fog

Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, a growing number of individuals began experiencing “brain fog,” a term often used to describe symptoms such as memory issues and lack of mental clarity. For some, the mind haze came on following an infection with COVID-19,...
6 Tips for Getting into a Flow State

6 Tips for Getting into a Flow State

What is flow? Think of it as a heightened mental state; or for those athletes out there, flow is akin to a purely mental form of a runner’s high where moving forward in a task becomes meditative and progress nearly effortless. In 1975, renowned psychologist Mihaly...
Biofeedback Tech Can Amplify the Benefits of Yoga, Meditation

Biofeedback Tech Can Amplify the Benefits of Yoga, Meditation

Yoga, the combination of breathing exercises, meditation, and physical postures used to achieve a state of relaxation and balance of mind, body, and spirit, has been surging in popularity for years, but especially amid the pandemic as people look for a practice that...