ADHD Treatments: Prescription Medication vs. Neurofeedback

ADHD Treatments: Prescription Medication vs. Neurofeedback

adhd, ADHD Medication, ADHD Tools, Kids Attention, Neurofeedback, Science of Neurofeedback Parenting a child with ADHD can be stressful and at times, infuriating. The constant fidgeting, impulsive behavior, and lack of listening can leave a parent feeling both...
The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Uptick in ADHD Diagnoses

The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Uptick in ADHD Diagnoses

It’s been nearly a year that we’ve been shut indoors. And with each class that’s held on the couch, on a bean bag chair, or at the kitchen table, everyone’s learning styles, idiosyncrasies, and ways of working are on full display. Your daughter might be a straight-A...
Video gaming and ADHD: Game Over?

Video gaming and ADHD: Game Over?

That new PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X was the highlight of your holiday gift-giving this past holiday season. Given that your family has been cooped up during the pandemic — and especially during the cold, dark days of winter — any shakeup to the usual indoor...