Narbis Neurofeedback and Attention Content


Distraction Nation — Why Adults Are Getting Treated for Attention Disorders

We are living in a connected, always “on call”, time-disrupting world. Whether your interruption is from a news outlet push notification alerting you to the latest think piece, or your personalized stream of email, text messages, Slack and Microsoft Teams...

Top 10 Items for Back To School – Distance Learning Edition I

As the dust starts to settle amidst the oddity that is the 2020 back-to-school season, parents are going to evaluate some of those recently purchased “must-have” back-to-school items.  We at Narbis have put together a list of those distance-learning “must-haves”...

Must-Have Tools to Help Entrepreneurs Stay Sharp

This post includes an affiliate link to Narbis.com, if you purchase anything through this affiliated link, the author/website may earn a commission Have you ever put in what feels like a full-day’s work and thirteen cups of coffee, only to find zero actual tasks...

Relationships with ADHD: How to make sure the brain stays focused on the heart

Forgetfulness, procrastination, spontaneity: The behaviors of people who have ADHD can be both draws and turn-offs for potential partners. A sense of adventure and acting on impulse can help keep a relationship fresh and alive. Who wouldn’t jump at a loved one...

New Advances in Light Therapy Hold Promise for Brain Disorders

Photobiomodulation May Prove an Effective Treatment for Alzheimer’s, Depression, Stroke From our ancestors’ discovery of fire, to the invention of the electric lightbulb, to harvesting sunlight as a renewable energy source, part of the human condition has always...

What’s it Like to Use Narbis Smartglasses?

Here at Narbis we talk a lot about distraction, focus, and ways to help your brain learn to ignore distractions, including our NASA-patented neurofeedback glasses. Since the product is unlike anything most people have tried before, we wanted to answer some common...

12 Tips From Entrepreneurs to Stay Sharp and Focused on the Task at Hand

When the boss loses focus, things fall apart. They fail to address issues proactively, cease to anticipate all of the outcomes stemming from a problem, and aren’t able to provide solutions needed for those issues. As an entrepreneur, staying focused and...

Tips for Students Struggling to Stay Focused Amid Finals

If you’re like most adults, and the sheer memory of studying for exams sends you into a panicky downward spiral, imagine how kids today feel. You may have barely passed your English Literature final by pulling an all-nighter and downing a strong pot of coffee, but...

How Narbis neurofeedback differs from in-clinic neurofeedback

With all of the advancements in wearable technology over the past 10 to 15 years, technology and science are at a juncture to help promote attention and deliver information about the state of one’s mind. Neurofeedback has been shown in clinical research as a viable...


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