Digital Distraction | Professor Cal Newport

Digital Distraction | Professor Cal Newport

Two years ago, Cal Newport wrote an op-ed in The New York Times about how social media is not as vital to our lives as we think it is. He soon found out that the public did not entirely agree as The New York Times commissioned a response to his op-ed to argue against...
The Key to Boosting Focus | Dr. David Rock

The Key to Boosting Focus | Dr. David Rock

Dr. David Rock sat down with a writer at The New York Times to discuss solutions and benefits for not letting modern distractions steal your attention. This article touches upon three major benefits of reducing distractions in your life; you’ll be calmer, you’ll be...
Are Older Brains Better? | Professor Tim Wu

Are Older Brains Better? | Professor Tim Wu

Growing up in the modern tech era does have a positive impact on the ability to transition between tasks quickly, however, the negative impact can cause a widespread generational issue with focus. Ken Budd wrote an article for AARP called, “Keep Your Mental Focus:...